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Social Media Best Practices

• Share company social media posts to your friends and network.
• Share positive things.
• Celebrate our successes.
• Be professional and respectful.
• Be encouraging.
• Use it to build relationships and share knowledge.
• Remember that your posts & comments online as well as behavior & actions on job sites and in public reflect on both you and the company.
• Observe copyright law. Photos, videos, and copy owned by others cannot be copied and used for our commercial benefit.
• Don’t criticize clients, vendors, coworkers, or the company online.
• Don’t disclose confidential or sensitive information. Always protect clients’, vendors’, and RWE’s confidential and proprietary information.
• Postings/Comments are public and seen by all.
• Think before you post. Social media activity is permanent and doesn’t go away. Even if deleted, someone could have shared or taken a screenshot.

Social Media How-Tos

If you are unsure of how to engage with RWE on Social Media, below are some how-to videos to help. If you need additional help, reach out to us directly ( and we’ll be glad to assist.



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